You Are the Leading Edge

We’re at the forefront of an evolutionary shift that is changing everything. Discover your design and step fully into the leader you’re meant to be.

You’re here to be a pioneer
in this exciting new era.

You can feel the shift happening, that uncomfortable, dissatisfaction with the status quo:

  • No enthusiasm for your work
  • A perpetual state of overwhelm
  • Feelings of anxiety, depression, or burnout
  • There’s a sense that you’ve hit a wall in your success
  • Maybe you feel you’re not in the right place anymore
  • Something’s holding you back, but you’re not sure what

I'm here to show you how to see it + live it

You don't have to take my word for it, I'll show you how to experiment with it for yourself.

My approach

I use a groundbreaking new system called BG5®

BG5® serves as a detailed practical tool for deep insight and self-knowing. It helps answer the questions
"Who am I and what am I doing here?" in a way that is practical and tangible.

Discover your uniqueness through the BG5® Success Codes

I’ll guide you through your unique design, showing you who you are and who you are not. I’ll help you release (or find creative solutions for) the limitations you’re currently experiencing, and give you simple steps to move forward with fulfillment in your career, business, or partnership.

Dive deeper to experience alignment with your true nature

Practice living your true nature, utilizing your strengths and natural gifts. Become aware of when your conditioned self (how you've been nurtured) is pulling you off track. Pay attention to the signposts to help you stay on track.

Understand your Life Work theme and purpose for your lifetime.

Get clear insight into who you are here to serve that you'll naturally attract once you are living in alignment. Know what it is your clients will need from you and how you can deliver it with grace, ease and confidence. Earn your true value simply by being you.

What if you could unlock your own unique blueprint for success?

Through revealing and exploring your one-of-a-kind design, I’ll connect you to your true self so you can trust yourself more deeply than you ever have. I’ll show you exactly how your innate leadership abilities want to show up. You’ll discover how to use your natural strengths to guide your life – and your path of success.
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If you've been struggling with the big questions:
  • Where's my most powerful, satisfying work?
  • Where am I going?
  • What internal work to I really need to be doing?
  • How do I get where I want to go?

. . . then I’ll have some exciting answers for you in your unique blueprint.

It’s time to understand – and align with – who you are at the deepest level, so you can express it more fully in life and business.

It's about Self-Realization

This is key for me — that moment when I watch a client ‘realize’ they can let go of whatever has been holding them back. The ‘ah ha’ moment is so transformative that I am filled with joy that they’ve realized their own true nature and are in the beginning stages of fully accepting themselves, as they truly are.

This begins the journey to your own greatness and it unfolds over time as we explore more of your strengths, vulnerabilities and ‘all’ of who you are.
Ultimately, this is about self-love, self-acceptance and removing yourself from “self-oppression”.

I love connecting people with their natural strengths that they have likely been ignoring or taking for granted because these things come easily to them. We think life is meant to be a struggle so we work hard at getting better at the things that we are NOT to prove ourselves, be right, and be who we think we’re supposed to be.

I love showing people who they really are so they can let go of who they’ve been trying to be to ‘fit in’ or be ‘accepted’. I love taking people from ‘fitting in’ to ‘finding your greatness’!

Problem Solving

Many people come to me with what they see as barriers or obstacles they can’t see a way around. Using my imagination, my ability to think outside the box and act out, try on new solutions to see if they could work, I help people expand their perspective of often self-imposed, limitations.

New Direction

I love helping people set a new direction, helping them form a new vision for themselves and their life. This type of change excites me! Hope for envisioning a new future, fresh start, reset. When something new is coming in, we need to make room for it by cleaning out the old, letting go of what is no longer needed.

My Clients Experiences

Shelley provided an incredible experience for me, helping me understand clearly my own human design. Her comprehensive knowledge of the information, combined with her easy going vibe and presentation made the experience a perfect place for me to start understanding ‘me’! So many of the points she brought up speak to my life experience, this valuable information will help me be true to myself as I travel down my path. I can’t recommend Shelley highly enough to help you discover you!


Shelley was able to help my team of aspiring financial planners with specific insight into everyone's unique designs and how we function best as a team. I was coaching them with what I knew and that was, how I have been successful. Shelley made me realize that everyone has their own unique way to attract clients. My team were so relieved to know they didn't have to follow what I did, because that is not they way they will be successful.


I always feel so good after our calls. It is such a treat to just have a different lens on what’s going on. It’s really empowering. It feels amazing to be seen this way, a lot of times this is what other people see in me that I can’t see in myself and to have you share it in a way that I can take it all in and witness it in me is extremely nourishing. 


Let's Get Started!

live the life that you're meant to

Start living life for the real you...

BG5® Career & Business Consultant

Discover your career and business strengths and gifts and what distracts you from utilizing them.

BG5® Career & Business Cycles Consultant

Learn how the cycles in life impact your career or business and how to take advantage of them.

OC16® Large Business Consultant

Understand the dynamics at play in your organization and how they are impacting your bottom line.

BG5® Profit Potential Coach

Let me coach you to live in alignment with your true nature so you can attract who you are meant to serve and know how to deliver effectively.
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